Spirit's GM Application


New Member
Jan 13, 2021
In-Game Name: Spirit

Steam ID:76561198438188486

Steam Profile Link:https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198438188486/
Age:12 (Almost 13 :) )


Hours Played on Server (Search on Gametracker):108 hours

Have you ever been kicked/warned/banned? If yes, explain in detail: No

Do you have any experience being staff on GMOD? If yes state what server, positions, and time period: No

Do you have experience with Simple Admin Mod commands? No

What can you bring to the Staff team?: I could bring more imagination to the staff team such as in events, and kind of a more player driven event, such as making more of an rp and having more things for players to do, then following along with a story that is centered around one character. I could bring a few stories that are centered around more people than just one or two.

Why would you like to join the PR staff team?: I would like to join the staff team because I want to do some more events that center around more players being involved in what's going on, similar to the renegade a few years ago.

Why should we accept you over other applicants?: You should accept me over other applicants because I am willing to do whatever it takes to make sure the players are having fun, understanding what's going on, and feel that they are a key aspect in the event.
Sample event (typed up event script):Renegade sample event script: Orders appear to meet at Debrief, Admiral Asphalt walks onto stage

Admiral Asphald: Troopers of The Renegade, I bring urgent news from republic command. We have lost connection to one of the bases on planet slark, there were no signs of any cis ships entering the area within previous months but there been rebellious activity on the planet. I have orders to send you to the planet slark to investigate.

(Asphald proceeds to pick fm and sm and the troopers get ammo then map change)

(Once GM spawns stuff the troopers are directed to the base and land via laat) (Troopers don’t seem to meet any resistance on the base and proceed to enter)

(they find multiple clone bodies on the loor with seemingly no injuries but appear to have been his with some electrical pulse of some kind and fm reports this to command)

Admiral asphald: Take the bodies and bring them back, if they have no injuries as you say, these bodies might need to be looked upon. (Troopers proceed to get the bodies and ashphalt sends down an laat, the laat then gets shot down by aa then the troopers meet some resistance by some hooded figures and comms get jammed)

(troopers then finish destroying the last hooded figures and comms are restored, asphalt sends down another laat and picks up the troopers and map change)

(Troopers proceed to debrief)

Admiral Asphald: Troopers, I have heard about the hostiles you have encountered. Reinforcements have been deployed to assist with getting the base operational again, Some bodies have been transferred to the science department, others are currently on dantooine receiving further medical treatments. Good job today troopers, without your efforts this mission wouldnt be possible.

(Wrapping up db with fm stuff and promotions)


(A bit rushed)

What is one key thing that should be exercised while running an event? The one key thing that should be exercised during an event would be to be ready to adapt if something goes south such as if a support staff has to go, and making sure the story isn't going off the tracks a bit too much.

How often can you be online?: Nearly every night, Sometimes I have swimming that gets in the way but most nights i can do it, or anytime in the weekends

Do you have a working microphone?: Yes

Notes: I may be young but I feel like I could bring a lot to the table, I like to think up events during swimming when I'm bored and decided I wanted to take a shot at this. I'd also like to say good luck to any people that are submitting GM and Staff applications.

Thank you for your time.